Sunday, November 14, 2010

Everybody is a Somebody!! Incredible Day!

What an Awesome Day at Sunset Chapel!  Kids church was incredible today!  50 kids! 

We have 3 teams, the "Dragon flies", "Black Widows" and "Bumblebees"  the teams earn points for attendance, bringing their offering, Bible, a friend and canned goods for the hungry!  So far it is a close race!  Which team is gonna win?  Who?  Well we will see!  If those of you in "Big Church" want to help, you can help us by bringing in canned goods that we will be giving to His House Children's Home. 

Let's Talk About Today's Lesson:  

This week's "mighty Bible hero" was Gideon, he was the youngest in his family and the smallest!  When he compared himself with others, he felt powerless, and invisible! He felt like a "nobody"!  But as we are learning . . . Our God is a God of uniqueness, and He didn't make any "nobodies"!  Gideon was a "somebody"! and We learned that God used him in an incredible way!  Even though Gideon was young, small, weak and a scaredy cat!  God saw him and sent an angel to him and told him that he was going to lead an army to defeat the Midianite bullies!  Gideon couldn't believe what he was hearing!  "Who Me?" he said, "I can't be hearing right, I'm too small, too weak, too afraid, I'm a nobody!"  So to be sure he was hearing right, he took a fleece of wool and laid it on the ground outside his house and prayed and told God, "okay, God if this is you, and you really want me to do this, then in the morning make this fleece wet and the ground around it dry, then I will believe you!"  The next morning he went outside to check on the fleece, and sure enough, it was soaking wet, and the Ground around was dry!  Gideon was so amazed but he still wasn't sure and took another piece of fleece and prayed and told God again, "ok, that was amazing God! But if you are really sure this is what you want ME to do, then make this fleece dry and the ground around it wet! Then I will really believe you and Go and do what you want me to!" The next morning he got up again, and Yep, thats right, the fleece was dry as a bone and the ground around it was wet!  So off Gideon went to gather up some soldiers!  We learned how he started with 32,000 and ended up with 300!  And then Gideon gave his men the "battle plan" and their weapons.  Gideon told them they were going to surround the camp carrying horns and lights covered by a clay pot so the enemy wouldn't know that they were coming.  Then they all at the same time the 300 men broke their clay jars, and blew their horns and at that moment extreme pandemonium broke out! And the Midianites were so surprised and confused that they started fighting and attacking themselves!   So Gideon and the 300 men defeated this HUGE army of bullies!!  Amazing right?  Yep even, though Gideon felt like a nobody, God knew differently!  You see God made Gideon for a specific purpose! 

Maybe your saying, yeah that's cool but that's just a Bible story!  Yes, but the Bible isn't a book of made up stories, or fairy tales!  IT IS FILLED WITH TRUE STORIES ABOUT REAL PEOPLE!!  Just like YOU!!   Maybe you feel like a Nobody . . . But the TRUTH is . . . .

God doesn't make Nobodies! God makes Somebodies!!  And God made everybody a SOMEBODY!  YOU ARE A SOMEBODY!!  And just like Gideon, God has special plan for YOU too! God made you and loves you! God can work through you today, tomorrow and in the future!  He will use your "differences" and "uniqueness"  to fulfill His plans and purposes for your life!!  You don't have to wait until you are grown up.  God can use you now to change other peoples lives . . .  Just say okay God use me, I am willing!   

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