Tuesday, November 23, 2010

God Can Use Anybody to Share His Message!

We had another awesome week in Kids Church!  The Bumblebees, The Dragonflies and The Black Widows are all doing very well in earning their points.  They get points for attendance, bringing their offering, their Bibles, a friend and their canned goods!  Thus far, the Bumblebees are winning!  But it is close!
We all know how much our culture today is fascinated about celebrities . . . but today we asked the kids. . .  did you know that there were famous people WAY LONG before cell phones, computers newspapers, magazines etc....  Well this week our Unique Famous Bible Celebrity was "John the Baptist"! Yep!  John was a famous preacher, but not from a large fancy church... and he didn't necessarily preach easy sermons to listen to. He preached in the Judean desert!  People actually traveled by walking or riding camels hundreds of miles to hear the message he was preaching!  He proclaimed to  people how much GOD LOVED them and that they needed to REPENT!  That meant if they were lying, they had to STOP IT! If you are being disobedient that means STOP IT too!  He told them God wanted to change their lives. They just needed to stop doing wrong things and start doing the right things! They needed to start living for God!  John didn't wear fancy glittery clothes or lots of bling!  In fact he was quite "UNIQUE"  he wore animal skins, his hair was wild, and he ate weird things like locusts and bugs!  Yuck!  Even though he was quite different . . . . God chose him to share this important message!  God can use anybody to share HIS message!  And that means that GOD CAN AND WANTS TO USE YOU TOO!!  Just think someone around you could hear how much God loves them and they might STOP doing wrong things just because of YOU! You just have to be willing . . . Let God use your "uniqueness" to share His message to those around you!
For several weeks we've been collecting canned goods for "His House Children's Home" here in Miami.  This coming Sunday, November 28th will be our last weekend for collecting these.  Our kids are very  excited "TWO" Partner with "His House" with these canned goods for children that need moms and dads!  Below you will see lots of photos from this Sunday 11.21.10. One of them is a group photo of the kids each holding up a "TWO DOLLAR" bill,  that we are giving as a love offering to "His House"!  We have Awesome kids growing in God's Ways and treating others the way they would want to be treated!


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